Many of our customers are often looking for a good reference for which electrode type to choose while welding different metals. Although thoriated electrodes tend to be the favorite for a one-size-fits-most welding approach, some electrodes are better for particular metal combinations. Additionally, many welders have their own preferences that fit their unique situations. We’ve put together a reference that you can use to select the best type for your specific work.
Type | Usage | |
1.5% Lanthanated (Gold) | The gold 1.5% lanthanated tungsten electrodes contain slightly less lanthanum than their blue counterparts and are best used in both AC & DC applications. They are best for welds with titanium alloys, copper alloys, nickel alloys, and non-corrosive steel. BUY NOW | |
2% Lanthanated (Blue) | The blue 2% lanthanated electrodes are popular due to the relative ease of striking an arc and lower amperage required. They perform exceptionally well in both AC & DC applications, and are a popular general use electrode. Blue electrodes are highly effective for welding aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, nickel alloys, copper alloys, titanium alloys, low-alloyed steels, and non-corrosive steels. BUY NOW | |
2% Ceriated (Grey) | Grey 2% ceriated electrodes are popular due to their extreme ease of striking an arc with lower amperages, and their extraordinary performance with regard to both AC & DC welding applications. They perform best with titanium alloys, copper alloys, magnesium alloys, aluminum alloys, nickel alloys, non-corrosive steels, and low-alloyed steels. BUY NOW | |
2% Thoriated (Red) | The red 2% thoriated electrode is America’s favorite electrode for a reason. Extremely long lasting and highly durable, these electrodes are a staple in DC welding applications. These red electrodes are perfect for copper alloys, nickel alloys, titanium alloys, and non-corrosive steels. BUY NOW | |
Rare Earth Mix (Purple) | The Rare Earth Mix electrodes are the perfect substitute for the 2% thoriated (red) electrodes. Fast and reliable arc-striking, long lasting, and high durable, these will perform during your most difficult welding application for both AC & DC applications. Perfect for aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, titanium alloys, nickel alloys, copper alloys, low-alloyed steels, and non-corrosive steels. BUY NOW | |
Pure Tungsten (Green) | The classic green pure tungsten electrodes contain at least 99.7% tungsten and deliver all of the benefits typically associated with tungsten – supreme conductivity, durability, and performance. Green electrodes are excellent for AC weld projects related to magnesium alloy or aluminum alloys. BUY NOW | |
0.8% Zirconiated (White) | The 0.8% zirconiated electrodes are renowned for their extremely stable arc, high resistance to contamination, and resistance to tungsten splitting. Ideal for AC welding. They handle higher amp levels for magnesium alloys and aluminum alloys. BUY NOW |

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