Midwest Tungsten Service’s advanced cleaning processes ensure that our customers receive parts in ready-to-use condition. Our thorough cleaning procedures, overseen by Herlinda and her team, are crucial in delivering contamination-free parts.
For machined parts, we combine manual and automated cleaning methods, depending on the product requirements. This flexibility allows us to adapt to various customer needs, ensuring that each part meets specific cleanliness standards. Special attention is given to the removal of machining coolants and lubricants as well as removal of foreign object debris (FOD).
Filament cleaning uses solutions that not only clean the parts, but also remove oxidation and prevent outgassing when heated under high vacuum. After cleaning, parts are thoroughly rinsed and dried. This guarantees that our customers receive parts that are completely free of residues and ready for immediate use.
Once cleaned, parts are packaged and sealed to assure they stay clean and free of contamination until ready to use.
Our cleaning procedures at Midwest Tungsten Service extend beyond mere compliance with standards. We aim to exceed customer expectations, delivering parts that not only meet requirements, but enhance the quality and reliability of the applications in which they are used.
Herlinda's commitment to excellence has been a cornerstone of Midwest Tungsten Service for 17 years. Besides her official responsibilities, she's known for her remarkable memory, never forgetting an MTS employee's birthday. Her personal time is spent enjoying dinners with her family - a cherished way for her to unwind. An avid fan of live music, Herlinda never misses a chance to see Marc Anthony or Chayanne when they perform in the Chicago area. Her creative talents also shine through in her hobby of crafting custom-made items, both for friends and family and for sale, showcasing her artistic flair and meticulous attention to detail.

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