Hydrochloric Acid | Resistant to attack |
Sulfuric Acid | Resistant to attack |
Nitric Acid | Resistant to attack |
Aqua Regia – cold | Resistant to attack |
Hydrofluoric Acid | Resistant to attack |
Caustic Soda, Aqueous Solution | Resistant to attack |
Ammonia to 700 °C | Resistant to attack |
Mercury / Mercury Vapor | Resistant to attack |
Air / Oxygen to 400 °C | Resistant to attack |
H2O | Resistant to attack |
Hydrogen | Resistant to attack |
Nitrogen | Resistant to attack |
Carbon Monoxide to 800 °C | Resistant to attack |
Hydrogen / Chloride Gas to 600 °C | Resistant to attack |
Air / Oxygen above 400 °C | Reacts under certain conditions |
Ammonia with H2O2 | Reacts under certain conditions |
Ammonia above 700 °C | Reacts under certain conditions |
Sulphur – molten, boiling | Reacts under certain conditions |
Carbon Monoxide above 800 °C | Reacts under certain conditions |
Chlorine above 250 °C | Reacts under certain conditions |
Hydrogen Sulfide at red heat | Reacts under certain conditions |
Aqua Regia – warm to hot | Not resistant to attack |
Hydrofluoric / Nitric mix | Not resistant to attack |
KNO3, KNO2, KClO3, | Not resistant to attack |
PbO2 | Not resistant to attack |
Sodium Nitrite – molten | Not resistant to attack |
Carbon above 1400 °C | Not resistant to attack, forms carbide |
Aluminum Oxide | Not resistant to attack, forms oxide |
Magnesium Oxide | Not resistant to attack, forms oxide |
Thorium Oxide | Not resistant to attack, forms oxide |
H2O vapor at red heat | Not resistant to attack, forms oxide |
CO2 above 1200 °C | Not resistant to attack, forms oxide |
Sulphur Dioxide at red heat | Not resistant to attack, forms oxide |
Fluorine | Not resistant to attack |
Bromine | Not resistant to attack |
Iodine | Not resistant to attack |
Nitric Acid – hot | Not resistant to attack |
Carbon Disulfide at red heat | Not resistant to attack |
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